Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Top Ten "Loves" for a Happy Marriage

Happy 2nd Anniversary!
1. Love of Mexican food and the perfect chips and salsa combo
2. Love of Traveling--Kauai is our current favorite
3. Love of Reading -- historical fiction and chic-lit for me, political and biographies for Cody
4. Love of Snow Skiing and Tennis; but not at the same time
5. Love of Dual Climate Control in our Car
6. Love of Learning About and Visiting Different Cultures
7. Love of Simple things. Good food, friends, family, and outdoors.
8. Love of Dogs; especially our dog MURPHY.
9. Love for Family Time Together
10. Love for Each Other

Posted by Julianna and Cody


Tara said...

Hi Guys, love the blog page and the stories. The pictures of you guys as young kids is so fun. I wish you the best! Lots of love.

samandbrodi said...

I am not even sure how I bumped into your blog, but glad I did. Last I saw you both was a year ago at Cafe Rio when we talked about kitchen remodels (the pictures of yours looks great).

Cody--we need to get together soon for lunch or something. Good luck with the adoption process, our prayers are with you.

in hoc,

Jen said...

Juliana, I just found you through Kara. I just wanted to say hi and I hope it's alright that I check your blog from time to time!

I'll be in VA in August and I'm going to Kings Dominion. The last time I was there was with you! I brings back memories :)

Rodney said...

#11 - fajeeters!

(cody: just found your blog through dave & les's blog.)
