I never would have thought my son would be living the life I saw in cartoons on the Jetsons! Louie skypes with our family on a regular basis. He interacts with books. He does show and tell with el-phant, Abby and airplane. And he sings songs. This is his reality?! So amazing.
Right now he is learning colors, shapes and plays matching games on my iPad. Again, his reality was my make-believe as a child. He can find his apps, maneuver between screens and even start his own TV shows from my video list.
I wonder if he will have a cell phone as a teenager? Or will it be something else? I guess those inventions are still in the make-believe realm.
I can believe how much he has grown up in just a few short months! So glad we can skype. It was cute to play peek a boo as he hid in the closet the other day. What a cutie!
Hi Cody & Julianna - Wayne and Marcia gave me your blogspot and I have absolutely loved reading your blog. So interesting and fun, what an absolutetly (i've used that word twice now) amazing life you 3 live. That is truly living life, I'm just a participant in my life. Good for you guys, I'm jealous and intrigued at the same time, and if I had a passport (I know 44 and no passport :( I'd be visiting and going to that awesome beach. Thanks for sharing your adventures with Louie and your life. I really enjoy your writing style, you should become an author.
Jill (Maddy's mom in case you forgot who I was).
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