October 2006--KauaiNapali Hike - Napali Coastline on the North Shore
Shaved Ice with Mac-Nut Ice Cream and Coconut Milk - You've got to try it!
Poli Hale - Most Western Sunsets of the U.S. & most beautifulBefore marrying Julianna, I had never been to Hawaii. I had walked the slums of India, climbed the highest mountain in Africa, rode camels in Mongolia, but had not been on a simple non-stop to Hawaii --to what I presumed was the worlds most over visited tourist attraction. Well...now I know. Kauai, in particular, is spectacular. As much as I love the mountains (coming from a land locked state) the ocean is always mesmerizing. On Kauai, you have both. Add an average temperature of 70 degrees all year long to create paradise. Julianna had it all planned out. In our rental Jeep, she took me all over the island. I still haven’t tried to surf but did body surf with a bunch of guys while several large sea turtles swam nearby. Julianna swam in between her "power reading" sessions. Who knows how many books she plowed through? Just waiting to go back!
Posted by Cody